#427 - KID’S GLUE, LUNCHABLES, GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY, AND THE PETERSON AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM After Hours Dec 30 Written By Second Studio LLC SUMMARYThis week David and Marina have a casual chat about kid's glue, Lunchables, and visiting the Griffith Observatory and the Peterson Automotive Museum. Enjoy! HAVE QUESTIONS OR SUGGESTIONS?TEXT/CALL OUR HOTLINE213-222-6950 Sponsors Home Page Second Studio LLC
#427 - KID’S GLUE, LUNCHABLES, GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY, AND THE PETERSON AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM After Hours Dec 30 Written By Second Studio LLC SUMMARYThis week David and Marina have a casual chat about kid's glue, Lunchables, and visiting the Griffith Observatory and the Peterson Automotive Museum. Enjoy! HAVE QUESTIONS OR SUGGESTIONS?TEXT/CALL OUR HOTLINE213-222-6950 Sponsors Home Page Second Studio LLC